Core Beliefs
- We believe the Bible is God’s infallible, completely trustworthy Word. It tells the story of God and mankind (2 Tim. 3:16).

Genesis 1–3
- The universe was created by God directly, by His own power (Gen 1:1).
- God made human beings to enjoy serving Him as His friends, but we fell from that original purity by rejecting God’s authority and refusing to believe His claims (Gen 1:26; 3:6)
Romans 5 & 6
- Now each of us is born in rebellion against God and we express that willfulness by choosing our own way over His. The Bible calls this sin (Rom 5:12)
- By nature and by choice, every person offends the holiness of God, earns His wrath, and is condemned to suffer that wrath forever (Rom 6:23; 2 Thess 1:9)

John, Acts, & Romans
Salvation & the Future
- But because of God’s great love and mercy, God the Son became human as Jesus Christ. Born without sin, Jesus lived a perfectly holy life, then willingly gave His life to satisfy the holy wrath of God. Now all who recognize their sinfulness and turn to Christ, trusting Him alone for salvation, God declares permanently and completely “not guilty.” They have eternal life (Rom 5:8; John 5:24)
- After dying on the cross, Jesus rose from the dead, proving He has the power of eternal life. Before He ascended to heaven, He instructed His followers to tell this story to the world, forming churches of those who believe (Acts 1:8-11)
- When the time is right, Jesus Christ will return to the earth in power and glory to reign forever. Then all will bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Rev 19:11)


Christian Education • 10:00 am
Worship • 11:00 am
Prayer • 10:00 am
Check our Facebook page for up-to-date sermons and any schedule changes.
515 East Street
Boyceville, WI 54725